
How does Timber Chain perform document verification so that I can trust what I see?

By admin gm | 15 March 2023

Timber Chain has been designed to ensure that data, information and documents (such as invoices, export licences, harvesting permits, etc.) logged onto the platform by participants can be endorsed by relevant third parties. This mechanism helps prevent the challenge of ‘rubbish in → rubbish out’ and adds extra trust that claims and documentation are authentic. 

Timber Chain itself does not verify documentation.

  • Each Timber Chain user is assigned an identity, meaning they are accountable for data quality (of the data they input onto Timber Chain). 
  • This operating model has resulted in both checks made by participants in the chain increasing to ensure that the levels of data error, missing documents, etc. declines. 
  • Checking document validity can be performed by a reputable third party. If a verifier is connected to a user, they have the option to verify the documents on Timber Chain to prove their validity after performing checks.

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